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Is Hope Valley accredited?Yes! Hope Valley is a CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) accredited service provider.
How do I get into the treatment program?If you are interested in enrolling in treatment at Hope Valley, simply call and complete a brief telephone screening. You will be asked questions to determine your eligibility for our program. This usually takes 5-10 minutes.
I am scheduled for admission. What should I pack?Clients should bring: Casual, comfortable clothing for 7-10 days ( no halter or tank tops, no short shorts fingertip length shorts and dresses only, laundry facilities are available) Personal hygiene products Hair dryer/straightener/curlers as appropriate 28-days of prescription medication in original labeled packaging Hope Valley has outdoor smoking areas. Please bring cigarettes if you plan to smoke. Unopened snacks and individual drinks.
What should I not bring?Cell phones, laptops, or any electronic devices are not allowed Mouthwash with alcohol is not allowed Valuables such as large amounts of cash, jewelry, or other expensive items should be left at home Clients are not allowed to wear clothing with alcohol, drugs, or other inappropriate language or pictures Over-the-counter medications should be left at home Do not bring energy drinks or workout supplements Do not bring exercise equipment Vapes are not allowed
Will I be able to talk to my family?Yes! We encourage positive communication with supportive people in your life. Clients are allowed 2 (15 minute) phone calls daily . You will also be allowed to send and receive mail (all incoming mail/packages will be opened and reviewed in front of staff).
Can I have visitors?Yes! Hope Valley has a family program twice a month. Your counselor will let you know which session your loved ones may attend. All approved visitors must attend the family program prior to visitation. Clients and visitors must remain on the property and any items brought for clients must be cleared by staff. The family program is on Saturdays at 1pm with visitation following from 2-4pm.
How much does it cost to come to treatment?Please contact the Admissions Department to discuss payment details.
Is there any financial assistance available?IPRS funding is available for qualifying individuals through PBHM and Vaya. Eligibility will be determined after completion of the telephone screening.
28-days doesn’t seem like a long-time. What if I need to stay longer?Clients are served on an individualized basis. Each client works with their counselor to determine the best course of action, to develop a personal relapse prevention plan, and to complete transition/discharge planning. Referrals for outpatient, long-term treatment, and/or Sober Living/halfway house placement will be made by staff as appropriate.
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